Monday, September 19, 2011

So Many Functions of Eating Fruits

Nutrient-rich, feature unique to people health has a magnificent effect. It contains general plant infrequent plant albumin and wealthy anthocyanin, vitamins and soluble fiber. Albumin is a sticky, gelatinous substance, cumbersome metal poisoning detoxification effect.

Five, pineapple's effectiveness of nutrition

One, star fruit and the efficacy of nutrition

Chinese medicine thinks star fruit have function of clearing and detoxifying, for wind-heat cough, toothache, spoken ulcers, urinary tract stones, alcoholism, negative urine embolism, especially for being patient for radiation treatment of illness, eat star fruit are protective the efficacy of mucosal harm, renal dysfunction, but do not eat.

Three, the leeches and the effect of nutrition

Rich in protein and lipids, nourishing the body have a agreeable effect, is a good source of nutrition fruit category. Durian has a special smell, another people feel different, some people believe that cat feces smell favor, and some people muse that flavorsome. The smell of durian has appetizers, and promotes the effectiveness of desire, dietary fiber, which can subserve peristalsis.

Seven, dragon fruit and the effect of nutrition

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Two, kiwi fruit and the effect of nutrition

Pineapple pulp contains a unique enzyme that can break down proteins (protein edible). Therefore, if eating a lot of meat trays, and then chews above a few slices of fresh pineapple for the absorption (digested food) to assist absorb well.

Mulberry divided into black and pearly, can be wasted. It savor sweet and chilly, make your hair black and have good to your eyesight.

Six, Durian and the effect of nutrition

Leech has the function of educational, and promotes the character of gas loveliness, eat leech can make you extra pretty, addition blood, raising the idea, people eat leech can transform face ruddy and with good health.

Fruit namely a essential in our life. Everyone needs to dine, merely there are a lot of people do not know, we eat, and it ambition fill up with toxins in the intestines to be absorbed again and another. Fruit affect our health, so the normal fruit namely likewise very essential to us.

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Four, Mulberry and the effect of nutrition

Nutrient-rich, not merely can join to human nutrition, but also to discourage the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines in the body; another role is in lowering cholesterol and triglycerides. Kiwi contains protein, portly, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, steel, magnesium, sodium, potassium and sulfur, also involve carotene. It also has medicinal worth, for indigestion, detriment of appetite, spewing and vitamin deficiency embolism. However, cold, diarrhea occasioned at spleen yang easily hurt, it should not eat. Spleen Deficiency should be Shensi. Threatened abortion and urinary frequency were mow.

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